Mat, I'm trying to reach VPI to help me with a noisy motor on my VPI Prime that's still under warranty. I've called multiple times from December 4 through December 6 during business hours and no one answers the phone. I've also reached out via email on December 4 and have received no reply, and I've posted the issue on the forum and no one from VPI has responded (although user Brf has replied with some great, although unsuccessful, troubleshooting steps).
I'm really anxious to get my motor fixed but I am having no luck getting in touch with anyone from VPI. Can you help?
Typically, sometime a little after after 9:30 AM usually works for me, but also usually, December is often a "crunch" month for VPI. They usually get a ton of orders around this time of year and they try to get them turned around before the December holidays. I know it's frustrating, but keep at it. They're there, but my guess is they're hopping around like elves!