Check out our latest post about our turntable setup experience with Michael Fremer at Axpona 2024!www.vpiindustries.comAxpona 2024 Turntable with Michael Fremer and VPIVPI Industries had the pleasure of being part of an exceptional turntable training session led by none other than Michael Fremer. With our VPI Scout turntable as the educational centerpiece, Fremer offered a masterclass in turntable setup.Throughout the session, Fremer meticulously covered a wide array of topics essential to turntable setup and calibration. From discussing "best practices" to diving into the nuances of cartridge mounting, vertical tracking force, and vertical tracking angle, parIf you are in Chicago for this show make sure to keep your eyes open for Mat roaming around.
Roaming around??? It looked like there were 12 Mats at the show. He seemed to be everywhere at once. 😂