I bought a periphery ring from Music Direct back in January 2020 and when it arrived I noticed dozens of small dings around the inner lip of the ring (see attached pics below). They’re practically impossible to feel and there were so many that I assumed they must be a byproduct of the ring’s manufacturing process. I simply never thought to question whether their presence was normal.
However, over the years I’ve seen several used periphery rings advertised as having no dents whatsoever. So I’ve begun to wonder...are the dents on the ring I have within what’s considered normal or was I sold a returned/damaged item?
P.S. - Sorry about attaching the pictures as files, but if I try to upload the pictures to this post or post links to them I'm told I have to wait for moderator approval. Unfortunately, I first received that message four days ago and haven't heard from a moderator yet (nor can I see how to contact one).
So weird that mine's like this. I'm probably SOL but I've emailed VPI directly to see if I have any recourse at this point. Usually I'm on top of stuff like this (to a fault) so I'm kicking myself for not addressing the issue when I first noticed it.
I wonder...is anyone home at VPI? Usually I hear back from them eventually when I email but not this time for some reason.
I agree with Michael. This ring is damaged. Mine is perfect.
Hi - No the ring should have no dents in it and should be smooth so it can lay on the edge of the record.